19 August 2021

All of New Zealand is at COVID-19 Alert Level 4. This is in place from Tuesday 17 August. Find out what Alert Level 4 means for you as a landlord or tenant.

Note: This was accurate at time of publishing. For the most up-to-date information about Alert Level requirements see COVID-19 - information for landlords and tenants.

All New Zealanders should stay home to save lives.

For general information about COVID-19 see the government’s central COVID-19 website(external link).

Information for landlords and tenants

Read information and frequently asked questions for landlords and tenants on COVID-19 restrictions on our website.

COVID-19 - information for landlords and tenants

Important Alert Level 4 messages for landlords and tenants

This is an unsettling time. Landlords and tenants should talk to each other and work together to come to an arrangement that suits them both as much as possible.


At Alert Level 4, everyone must stay in their current place of residence where possible. Tenants can only move house if:

  • required to do so by a court order (including a Tenancy Tribunal Order) or
  • they need to use a temporary or emergency home. For example, if they need care while sick or to seek refuge from family violence or
  • required by law to move for the purposes of detention or to move to a different place of residence that is determined for example by the Police or New Zealand Parole Board.

If your tenancy is due to end during the Alert Level 4 period, talk to your landlord or tenant about extending the tenancy until the Alert Level changes.

Property inspections and maintenance

  • Landlords must not visit their tenants or carry out in-person inspections during Alert Level 4. They can carry out a virtual inspection, with agreement from their tenants.
  • For maintenance, at Alert Level 4 you can hire a tradesperson to carry out repairs if there is an immediate risk to health and safety.
  • Non-urgent repairs and maintenance can’t happen during Alert Level 4.


  • During Alert Level 4 there will be no face-to-face hearings. Where possible, hearings will take place over teleconference. If this is not possible, the hearing will be rescheduled.
  • If you have a hearing scheduled during COVID-19 Alert Level 4, teams will be in contact, by phone, email or text, to let you know what this means for you.


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