12 November 2020

From 1 December 2020 landlords must include a separately signed healthy homes standards compliance statement in most new or renewed tenancy agreements.

The compliance statement requires certain details of the rental property’s current level of compliance with the healthy homes standards. Failure to include and sign this statement may result in a financial penalty up to $500.

There is lots of useful information on our website to help landlords complete the statement. This includes a new tool to help clarify when it is required. 

Find out more about the healthy homes compliance statement and use the online tool.

The residential tenancy agreement and boarding house agreement templates have been updated to include a healthy homes standards compliance statement.

Residential tenancy agreement template. [PDF, 551 KB]

Boarding house agreement template. [PDF, 398 KB]

If landlords are using their own tenancy agreement template, a healthy homes standards compliance template is also available. This template is comprehensive to help ensure landlords enter all information required under the regulations. It also incorporates the requirements of the insulation statement, which has been required in new tenancy agreements since 1 July 2016.

Healthy homes standards compliance statement template. [PDF, 421 KB]

About the healthy homes standards

The healthy homes standards introduce specific and minimum standards for heating, insulation, ventilation, moisture and drainage, and draught stopping in rental properties.

All private rentals must comply with the standards within 90 days of any new or renewed tenancy after 1 July 2021, with all private rentals complying by 1 July 2024. All boarding houses must comply by 1 July 2021. All houses rented by Kāinga Ora (formerly Housing New Zealand) and registered Community Housing Providers must comply by 1 July 2023.

Find out more about the healthy homes standards.


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