If you are a landlord you need to comply with the law. Use our checklist to assess how you comply with minimum requirements.

There can be a lot to remember if you are a landlord. Meeting your obligations under tenancy law can help you avoid any problems later on.

Our compliance checklist is for all landlords. Complete it to see how you measure up to minimum requirements of tenancy laws. It doesn’t matter if you have one property or many – the checklist is here to help you.

The checklist includes sections on:

  • the contents of your tenancy agreements
  • keeping accurate records
  • maintenance and the condition of the property
  • general tenancy law (eg, inspections, rent in advance and rent increases).

The checklist is easy to follow, with three simple steps:

  1. Create a full property list (template 1)
  2. Create a list of tenancies to assess (template 2)
  3. Complete an assessment for each tenancy.

Remember, if you are the landlord of a boarding house, you also have other responsibilities.

Download the Landlord compliance checklist [PDF, 974 KB]

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Last updated: 09 February 2022